3 Ways How to Turn You Temp Job into a Permanent Job

Did you know – according to Forbes magazine, “70% of people in temporary jobs get a full-time, permanent position at that company.” If you would like to try to turn your temp job into a permanent opportunity – here are three simple steps:

1. Learn About The Company-

Remember that that being a temp-worker like an audition for a company. They want to make sure that you are the right fit.

By taking the time to learn all that you can about a company not only helps you fit in, but it enables you to stand out. Ask questions, search online, know the chain of command, and show interest in the different jobs that are internal.

By learning and understanding all the various the company dynamics and internal personalities you’ll be able to identify the key players. From here it is crucial to establish and build relationships with these key individuals. Don’t be afraid to strike up a positive and upbeat conversation.

2. Act like You Are a Fulltime Employee-

First impressions can’t be undone. The first few days and weeks of a new job setting the tone for how others see you. You may not feel like you are being observed, but believe it or not, you are.

The key is always to remember that you aren’t just a temp; you’re a qualified candidate who is auditioning for a permanent job. So don’t be a clock watcher, get to work early, and don’t rush to leave. In these types of job opportunities, abilities such as “self-motivated, detail oriented and strong work ethic” need to be continuously showcased.

Your goal needs to make yourself indispensable so you’re the first choice if any permanent jobs they may have. And be sure to communicate in casual conversation that you’re interested in a full-time job.

3. Network with Your Coworkers-

A substantial aspect of being a team player is interacting with your coworkers. Be friendly and enthusiastic, try not to isolate yourself or overshare. Above anything else, show that you are sincerely interested in your job and the company.

The key is to show your coworkers that you are there to help make their workday easier, not to make it more stressful. Always be looking to help – when you’ve completed your assigned task, ask if is there any other ways you can help. Be willing to work outside your job description and learn new things to help the team.

The common misconception is that temporary jobs don’t lead permanent ones, this is far from the truth. If you take to heart these steps and go the extra mile, the chances are that you will find a permanent job. Our goal at Award Staffing is to match your skills with the right company. Contact our hiring team today to talk about how we can help you in your job search. We have offices located in Bloomington, Chaska, Crystal, Delano, Maplewood, and Ramsey Minnesota to help you with your job search today! Want to learn more career tips and tricks – check our When Work Works blog.